Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Ahhh, the holidays!

The holiday season is upon us! You know, the time for rampant consumerism, way too many photo shoots with dorky matching pj's, and wildly varying temperatures (at least here in Texas). Christmas is almost here and Thanksgiving just flew right on by. We had a great time for Thanksgiving. Mama was a little worried, though. This was the first Thanksgiving ever that she did not spend in North Carolina. She told Papa that she refused to fly with a toddler and a newborn. Who is she kidding? I would have behaved perfectly on the airplane. I LOVE sitting still for three hours straight in a confined space with limited snack opportunities.

Anyway, we stayed in Texas this year and had quite the Thanksgiving adventure in East Texas. Mom's friends Mr. Matt and Mrs. Janie invited us over to their ranch. I got the opportunity to sit on a horse, eat pie for breakfast, and charm the socks off of 40-some people. It was a delightful Thanksgiving. We even got to stay at the lake house and see plenty of deer.

Mama has been telling me all about Santa. I cannot wait to tell him what I want for Christmas. When mama asks me what I want from Santa I always say "a pumpkin" first, followed by a helicopter. What else would make my life complete besides a pumpkin and a helicopter? A puppy, perhaps? Yes, I even mentioned that the other day. Just what mama needs, two babies, two crazy cats, one husband, and a puppy... that'll do her in!

Merry Christmas everyone!



Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Just in case you were wondering, my life has changed quite a bit over the last month. It may surprise you to hear that there is another person living in our house. This person is very tiny, but very loud and has been known to steal much of mama's attention away from me... quelle horreur! This creature has ruined all of my fun. I haven't been to Stroller Strides in a while, I don't go to the park quite as often, we're constantly buying more coffee beans, and I'm constantly being told to "be quiet." "Quiet-" I still have to look that word up.

Despite this creature invading my territory, some things have become more fun. Because mama has trouble getting out of bed in the mornings, I've become a huge fan of this wonderous invention called "tv." Some of my favorite shows are Little Einsteins, Imagination Movers, and Thomas and Friends. Much to my daddy's chagrin, I could spend all morning watching these shows. (Mama's too lazy to care. In fact, I think she's a big fan of the Imagination Movers, herself).

My baby brother (there, I said it) may be cute and all, but I still think I'm mama's favorite. She always laughing at the funny things I say and do. I'm learning to say "yes ma'am" instead of "yeah," insist on going in the blue door instead of the green door at Target, and have been known to apologize to inanimate objects. Mama doesn't know whether to enjoy my antics or give me away to some poor, unsuspecting stranger in the grocery store who thinks I'm "charming."

I'm sure I'll get used to my baby brother in a few years... I guess mama has enough love in her heart for two boys (three if you count daddy). Until then, I'll do my best to stay in the spotlight. I think temper tantrums do the trick.



Thursday, June 12, 2008

Water, water everywhere!

Did y'all know that Texas is HAWT! Good grief. It's only June and we've hit the high 90s quite a few times already. Heck, I don't even think it's officially summer yet. Mom refuses to put the cool and refreshing nectar of the gods (aka sweet tea) in my sippy cup, so I've had to find alternate ways to cool off. My new discovery is WATER! I love it, I love it, I love it!

Now you all know that I love being outside. But being that my mother is baking me a little brother, she's a little resistant to being outside all the time, which means she has resorted to taking me to the area pools and spray parks. And when she's just too darn lazy to go anywhere, she's just squirts me down with the water hose. She even bought me my very own pool the other day. Nothing says Texas summer like your very own plastic kiddie pool in the back yard. Mom's only lived in Texas for eight years, but she's already a big ol' redneck! You should have seen her yesterday sitting in that pool. What a goof ball (but I still love her)!

She even ran out of swim diapers for me, so I had to wear a regular diaper. Did you know those things hold about 10 pounds of water? Since my diaper was so full of water, I had trouble walking, so mom just stripped me down! Okay ladies, I still had my swim suit on, but does it get any more redneck that a little boy swimming mostly "nekkid" in the kiddie pool in the back yard? Next thing ya know, dad's going to have a rusty car on cinder blocks sitting in the front yard.

Ah, summer fun! Please pray that mom makes it through the hot summer pregnant. Did y'all know that babies live in your mama's belly? Adults are so weird.

I can't wait to keep you posted in all my adventures!

Love, Weston

Writer's Block!

My official excuse for not updating my blog more regularly is... writer's block. I just can't seem to effectively put my thoughts into words like I used to. Okay, maybe that's not the truth. Perhaps it is that I don't have the time anymore. I'm too busy reading and watching what the Tivo's recorded like Top Chef and Lost. But now that all of my shows (ahem, mom's shows) have ended for the season, I'll spend more time on the blog. I promise!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Drama is Over!

I'm finally feeling better! I just got over a bout with the "somesorta" virus again. Mom and I were cooped up in the house together for several days... I felt terrible and it was too cold to go outside. I never want to be sick again. All I felt like doing was curling up in mom's lap and reading books. I think mom read me every book in the house (except for D.H. Lawrence's Lady Chatterly's Lover, which mom says is a bit out of my league).

Now I'm running around again and I certainly don't have the time to sit in mom's lap anymore. I think she was getting pretty bored with reading Good Night Gorrilla, Knuffle Bunny, and Doggies over and over and over and over again, anyway... I digress.


Weston (propping my feet up on the table, just like dad) ;)

P.S. The Carolina-Duke game is on right now and mom is not watching. She says she's way too nervous to actually watch. How weird is that? I can't believe she claims to be a real Tarheel fan , but is too scared to watch the game. Oh, wait-- Carolina's down in the second half--shield your eyes mom!!!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Discovery Toys

Hi Everyone! I'm sorry I haven't updated you on my goings-on recently. Everything is going well. I'm learning lots of new words and even spoke my first real sentence the other day... "I want out!" At least that's what mom thinks she heard.

I wanted to share some exciting news! Mom has started selling Discovery Toys, and boy am I excited about her new venture. More toys for me! She loves them and I love them, too.

Here is the link to her website if you are interested in a gift for your kids, grandkids, friends' kids, or for the kid at heart!

Thanks for looking!

