Just in case you were wondering, my life has changed quite a bit over the last month. It may surprise you to hear that there is another person living in our house. This person is very tiny, but very loud and has been known to steal much of mama's attention away from me...
quelle horreur! This creature has ruined all of my fun. I haven't been to Stroller Strides in a while, I don't go to the park quite as often, we're constantly buying more coffee beans, and I'm constantly being told to "be quiet." "Quiet-" I still have to look that word up.
Despite this creature invading my territory, some things have become more fun. Because mama has trouble getting out of bed in the mornings, I've become a huge fan of this wonderous invention called "tv." Some of my favorite shows are
Little Einsteins, Imagination Movers, and
Thomas and Friends. Much to my daddy's chagrin, I could spend all morning watching these shows. (Mama's too lazy to care. In fact, I think she's a big fan of the
Imagination Movers, herself).
My baby brother (there, I said it) may be cute and all, but I still think I'm mama's favorite. She always laughing at the funny things I say and do. I'm learning to say "yes ma'am" instead of "yeah," insist on going in the blue door instead of the green door at Target, and have been known to apologize to inanimate objects. Mama doesn't know whether to enjoy my antics or give me away to some poor, unsuspecting stranger in the grocery store who thinks I'm "charming."
I'm sure I'll get used to my baby brother in a few years... I guess mama has enough love in her heart for two boys (three if you count daddy). Until then, I'll do my best to stay in the spotlight. I think temper tantrums do the trick.