Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Weston Funny

Picture this:

Toy Section of Target.

Me:   I want that.

Mama:  That's too expensive, honey.

Me:  But, I like expensive things!

Yep, Mama's in big, big trouble.



Hippity Hoppity Easter's on its Way

Insert your own entertaining commentary here... I'm all out of ideas.



Monday, March 15, 2010

Just a little eye candy...

Monday, March 8, 2010


I got to help make daddy's birthday cake yesterday! His birthday isn't until tomorrow, but we made his birthday cake a few days early. Who needs a birthday when you can have a birthweekend? I thought he would enjoy chocolate cake with sprinkles and that's exactly what he got.

It wasn't the prettiest cake in the world, but tasty trumps pretty any day. And, boy was it tasty!!

Even Davis enjoyed the festivities. That boy can eat some cake!

Only six more months until my birthday... I can hardly wait!

