Sunday, May 3, 2009

Davis here...

Hi all! It's Davis. I thought I would take the blog for a while and let you know how I was doing. First, I must get something off my chest. I find it totally unfair that Weston has his own blog, his own baby book, AND his own clothes. I have to wear his hand-me-downs... so wrong. But, that kid is hi-lar-i-ous! He is always making me laugh.

Back to me. I am FINALLY rolling front to back. I'm also sitting independently, except for when brother comes and pushes me over. Ouch. I have two teeth and two more on the way. I am now eating solid foods and enjoy peas, squash, and sweet potatoes. I've tried apples once. Mom is trying me on all the veggies first, so I won't develop a sweet tooth. Good luck with that, mom. We share DNA... I'll have a sweet tooth.

Love ,



SaRaH said...

Davis, you are so CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!! love, Nora